I have long hair again, not since I got married 30 years ago have I had this much hair. Some say I am too old, others just ask why.
. . my 10 reasons:
1- wanted to see if I could do it
2- when it is HOT here I can put it up, which is most of the time
3- I can go several days without washing it and you can hardly tell how dirty it is, for when I am in the bush or we are rationing water, probably should not have told you that one
4- hair cuts are $35 here so I am too cheap to do that every few weeks
5- I like to change things and you can do lots of different things with long hair
6- I pretty much go against what is the norm and since people expect us 'mature ladies' to have short hair, I do not
7- we don't have electricity all the time so needing a hair dryer or curling iron is not something I want to worry about
8- my man likes it long
9- ah I like the feel of long wet hair down my back on a warm African evening as I relax with Ron, enjoying a hot cup of tea
10- most of all I always wanted to be like my treasured grand mother who used to have beautiful long grey hair that she wore up on her head, for 93 years
I want to see it down! I bet it's beautiful... p.s. I'm growing mine out too :)
my favorite reason is #8.
And I loved it when we were there in Sept. Long hair is great (and surprisingly less hassle when a pony tail or clip is in reach).
You go girl! If you want long hair, that's what you should have. You don't even need 10 good reasons! It's looks cute - you didn't even say that. love you.
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