I enjoy chairs, different & interesting ones.
So here are some of the special places I enjoy here in Africa.
This small sofa is where I start my days, praying & reading His Word.

Here is an iron chair I found at a used furniture store.
I get to sip tea mid morning & watch the beautiful weavers that live in our yard.

This seat is for greeting the dogs each day.
They sleep in the house & get loved on before they go out to guard the yard for the day.

A goat chair, yes from real goat hide.
Under the Banda we keep these cause if they get wet you can guess what they smell like, yuck.
But it is a nice place out of the sun or rain to eat lunch outside.

My favorite is a rocking chair, but they are uncommon here in Africa.
This was made from a picture, not perfect but on the uneven cement floors it will do.
Afternoon is another good tea time for me.

Iron work is common and usually cheaper than wood.
So we like to sit by the fire at night, the stars are amazing in this half of the world.

Love this big red reading chair.
And of course I need a blanket every evening, any time of the year.

Our newest addition.
This is a great place for me to do what I love this time of the year.
A quiet place to dream & plan.
A peaceful place to watch the owls & butterflies.
A simple place to Be Still with Him.
A calm place to hear the breeze through the trees.

When I sit and take a deep breath,
my different CHAIRS become anchors for my soul.
One of my favorite posts mom, you do love your sitting areas :)
What a wonderful blog-a real keeper!!
May God speak to you in special ways in each chair!
This blog really started us thinking about your life in Africa It was so personal and conveyed so much beyond the words. We love and miss you.
Thelma and Marti
P.S. Loved all the pictures following the chairs.
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